Omnicosmics: Miracle Power Beyond the Subconscious

Omnicosmics: Miracle Power Beyond the Subconscious

📚 Omnicosmics: Miracle Power Beyond the Subconscious
💡 Author –

Personally I enjoyed the simplicity and positive tone of this work.
The preparation for the work in this book is a variation of the relaxation and focusing techniques that other, similar books recommend , for instance, the Silva Method.
There are a variety of chants and invocations given for purposes of fulfilling basic human desires for companionship, financial support, health, happiness, safety and protection.
Not everyone wants a long, involved metaphysical treatise or a lecture full of thou-shalt-nots on every page. The author does, however advise the reader to avoid greed, give some of the money they get to charity, join a church or spiritual group and study spiritual principles, etc.
Even the more potentially intrusive practices , like mind reading or influencing another’s behavior, are given for reasons of self-protection or helping another overcome bad habits.
The psychic self-defense techniques given emphasize deflecting the harm without retaliating or attacking the sender.
There are no trappings of traditional ceremonial magic, as can be found in the Miracle of Avatar Power or The Mystic Grimoire. Those contain Kabbala-based Names of God, colors, planets, days of the week, rituals, candles, incenses, etc.
There is also absent any workings for revenge, attacking enemies, defeating competitors, attracting a specific person, and so on. The author specifically advises against working with negative energy.
Ann Fisher presents the names of spirit beings, spelled phonetically. She doesn’t give their correct spellings, or discuss the source of the names. I would have liked to have seen more explaination. Not everyone likes to talk to people they don’t know.
Ann Fisher is still working as a Psychic Advisor in Albany, New York, and is on Facebook.