Download 3 Master Keys To Pickup Lines

3 Master Keys To Pickup Lines

📚 3 Master Keys To Pickup Lines
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Dear Friend Who Wants To Increase His “Pick-up” Speed,

If I could make $1 for every email I get on what is the best pickup line to use, I’d be filthy rich. Most guys don’t understand the crucial fact that women have heard EVERY “pick-up line” in the book. Anything you say that even resembles one will be instantly spotted, and will expose YOU asjustanotheridiottryingtopickherup. Thepurposeofusingapick-uplineisnotto”pickher up” or “take her home.” This is where 99% of guys make the first mistake and wind up going homealone. Instead,areallygreatpick-uplinewillputherintothefollowingstatesofmind
that are necessary for her to sleep with you:

1. Safety/Comfort-Onceshefeelscomfortableandsafewithyou,shewillbegintotalkandopen up. Girls get bombarded with guys telling them all kinds of things, so you need to set yourself apart so that her built in filters for eliminating the usual guys doesn’t torpedo you.

2. Trust- Once you establish safety and comfort, trust is a natural side effect. Once she trusts you, she will reveal all kinds of useful information to you which you can use to get her into bed!