Download Evil Rituals of the African Warlords

Evil Rituals of the African Warlords

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The term “Voodoo” (also known as Vudun, Vodon, Vodoun, Voudou, etc.) encompasses some African tradi􏰀on- al religions that are prac􏰀ced by groups from the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria, the Ewe people of eastern/southern Ghana and southern/central Togo, the Fon of central/ southern Togo, the Fon peope of central/southern Togo and central/southern Benin, among others.

African voodoo has several varie􏰀es in Africa, and has also informed the prac􏰀ce of voodoo in places like Hai􏰀 and Lou- isiana.

Voodoo considers all of crea􏰀on divine – and that every- thing in crea􏰀on contains the power of the divine. This is why one will o􏰁en see mundane objects used in voodoo rit- uals. Talismans or “fe􏰀shes” are objects like statues or dried animal parts. These are bought and sold, and used for healing, rejuvena􏰀on, and black magic.