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Get Them To Come To You

📚 Get Them To Come To You
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Whomever it is, a lost relative, a lost lover, someone you’ve fallen out with…whomever..YOU CAN GET THEM TO COME TO YOU.


The person who now ignores you – who may not even know you exist – CAN COME TO YOU!

Elias Raphael writes:

I have entitled my book, ‘Get Them To Come To You’ because that is exactly what you can do. My booklet contains vital information you will almost certainly not find elsewhere. The information might be called ‘occult’ or simply ‘psychology’, BUT IT IS NOT WHAT YOU WILL FIND IN OTHER BOOKS.

Usually an author tells you to imagine you’re with the person you seek. That’s OK, but often as not it won’t work. In fact you usually feel worse, for you have made the effort and still no result.