Guide To Flirting

Guide To Flirting

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The D.I. Guide To Flirting:
21 Sure-Fire Moves To Melt Her Heart (And Get Her Into Your Bed)

The important thing to remember about being a great flirt is that it’s not necessarily your looks or bank account that’s going to make the difference in getting that woman you’ve had your eye on. If you’re serious about mastering the fine art of flirting, you’ll come to find that even a man with regular features and ordinary funds can soon begin enjoying the company of the woman he’d thought was unattainable.

Like any new activity, flirting is always toughest when you’re just starting out. But, after some practice (and those first flushes of success), you’ll begin finding a rhythm that suits your particular style before you realize it. Here are 21 tips that will help you on that road toward becoming that great flirt you’ve always wanted to be.

1. The First Words

Ah yes, the ‘all-important first-thing-to-say’. So much has been written about the proper lead-in for flirting that it strains us a bit to discover anything new to say on the subject; yet if we don’t, we’ll be doing you a disservice. What new ideas can we bring to the table?

Firstly, while we’re not going to deny that the first thing you say to that gorgeous creature who’s caught your eye is very important, we don’t necessarily think it’s a magical statement that’s sure to make or break any future hopes you have with her, unlike many others who have written on the subject. Remember, underneath all the hoopla, flirting is really nothing more than communication, much of which is achieved through simple conversation. The fact that it is, by definition, often sexually-charged does not change that basic fact. The same essential aspects of communication that you would use any other time apply here as well. To assume that the possible success of an entire conversation necessarily depends upon the first few words.