Download Helping Yourself with Autogenics

Helping Yourself with Autogenics

📚 Helping Yourself with Autogenics
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L e t ME INTRODUCE MYSELF. My name is Sidney Petrie, founder of The Petrie Method® which, through the New York Insti­ tute for Hypnotherapy, has helped thousands to control their lives naturally and effortlessly through hypnotic techniques.

Now let me introduce somebody else: Dr. Johannes H. Schultz. In the early part of this century, he was the founder of Autogenic Training which helped thousands in his native Germany and through­ out Europe to control their lives naturally and effortlessly through hypnotic techniques.

Yes, the late Dr. Schultz and I have at least a little in common. It is the pooling of this common ground that has given birth to Au­ togenics, a simple, fast way that anybody, young or old can use to change his or her life. It is a self-hypnotic technique which you can use in just a few minutes of practice to improve your health, behavior, personality and social relationships, and which can lead you to financial success.

Autogenics, this birthchild of the Petrie Method® and Au­ togenic Training, puts the reins in your hands. You do not need a trainer or a hypnotist. All you need is this book. It is the “recipe” book for the rest of your life.

Great meals do not happen in the kitchen by merely reading the recipe book. You have to put the book down and do something. It is the same with the book you have in your hands. In order to create a great new life for yourself, you have to stop reading, put the book down and do something.

What you do is so simple it makes cooking seem complicated by comparison and what you do is so quickly accomplished, it makes kitchen work tedious by contrast. All you do is three things: 1. create a peaceful mood (I’ll tell you an easy way to do this); 2. relax your body (there are fun ways to do this); 3. affirm the change you wish to take place in your life.