Download Helping Yourself with Psycho-Cosmic Power

Helping Yourself with Psycho-Cosmic Power

📚 Helping Yourself with Psycho-Cosmic Power
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A few “lucky” people seem to be swept along to greater and greater success, happiness, and fulfillment of their desires. They demonstrate a fantastic ability to accomplish, because they are tapping a stream of irresistible energyl This same energy flows largely unharnessed through the lives of all of us, just waiting to be used. You have only to recognize its value, reach out, and use it!

The evolution of the harnessing of our country’s natural re­ sources provides many good examples. For centuries, the mighty Colorado River flowed peacefully through the Western United States, emptying its energy and substance into the sea. Then the intelligence of man recognized the great potential going to waste, and Hoover Dam (or Boulder Dam if you prefer) was built. The dam transforms the Colorado’s potential into the energy that lights many cities, and into the irrigation that grows abundant crops where there was only desert before.