Download Level 3 workout Outsider

Level 3 workout Outsider

📚 Level 3 workout Outsider
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Congrats on making it past Level 2! Hopefully you had a good time down there, but now it’s time to start running with the big dogs!

Please note that you can do either the Outcast or Outsider workout here – they’re the same level. Then, after you’re done, you can either graduate to level 4 or try the other level 3 routine – it’s up to you!

The term “outsider” can often have a negative connotation – not in the Nerd Fitness Rebel Army! We’re on the outside of conventional wisdom and we’re don’t want to be part of the in-crowd (that’s overweight and out of shape).

Once you’re ready to get started, we’ll kick things up a notch with the Level 3 workouts. We’ll still be doing supersets and intervals like in Level 2, but we also start to mess with rep ranges and numbers of sets as well. When you see a lower number of sets, that means you need to be lifting heavier weights and focusing on strength.