Download Level 4 workout Rebel

Level 4 workout Rebel

📚 Level 4 workout Rebel
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Welcome to level 4, Rebel!

Level 4 is where we start to separate the men from the boys and the ladies from the girls. Are you up for it?

Remember that you can start with either of the Level 4 workouts, and then move onto the other one after 4-8 weeks (really, whenever you get bored and want to mix it up!)

These are the challenging workouts – some days will be circuit training, some days will have a superset or two, while others will be based more on strength training. Just remember every day to push yourself harder, lift heavier, get stronger.

Here, you’ll have an A workout, a B workout, and a C workout. You’ll do A on Monday, B on Wednesday, and C on Friday. Obviously, if you miss a day here or there, just pick up on the routine that was coming up next, no matter what day it is.

The workouts contained in level 4 start to get a little funky, so pay attention!