Download Master Key to Hypnotism

Master Key to Hypnotism

📚 Master Key to Hypnotism
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For over two thousand years man has known about hypnotism. In these centuries much has been written on the art, the material on the subject of hypnotism perhaps forming the greatest library on any single subject.

Like other sciences hypnotism during these long years has at times been considered a miracle, at other times a fake. It has been proven that it is neither.

Down through the ages all who have experienced the phenomena of hypnotism have come to the same fundamental conclusion: hypnotism is a natural phenomenon, a natural law founded upon deep breathing. Folklore of ancient lands, fiction and drama have done much to create many false impressions about hypnotism. Ihese untruths are more likely to be believed by those who do not desire to search for the truth, which can only be found by diligent research, a labor to which but few are willing to devote their energy.