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Miracle Spiritology

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Picture yourself suddenly dumped into pitch darkness in an unfamiliar room! Imagine the disorientation and feeling of helpless­ ness until your groping hand finds a light switch, then the sense of security and relief as the lights come on. Our entry into earth life is quite like being dumped into the dark room. But at long last your groping has brought you to a light switch — this book. As you turn on your light of understanding and power, all the wonderful things of life that you have hoped for are right before you, eager to give their utmost for your happiness and fulfillment. YOU CANNOT FAIL. All the power of the universe is ready to serve you as you grasp the principles we are about to give you. Dare to USE them and bring your most exciting fantasies into happy reality.

Your Unique Place of Power in the Universe — How to Find It Through Miracle Spiritology

Every day modern science is proving more of the ancient occult traditions to be true. Using a simple psycho-galvanometer (the skin resistance part of a lie detector), scientists have discovered that your houseplant will register anxiety and empathetic pain when you put iodine into that small cut on your finger. The plant will even panic if a tiny creature is killed in the next room!