Download Miracle Superfoods

Miracle Superfoods

📚 Miracle Superfoods
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1. SuperfoodsFood that contains high amounts of phytonutrients which is necessary for the proper functioning of the body.They are our body major defence against free radicals, environmental toxins and heavy metal contaminations.Created by Dawn Ho. 1 2. Apples Fight free radicals Created by Dawn Ho. 2 3. Blueberries Most anti-oxidantsCreated by Dawn Ho. 3 4. Broccoli Helps prevents cancer In order to get maximum results, consume raw broccoli that had been washed clean or have cook edfor a bit. Stir in broccoli in menu foods at least twicea week.Created by Dawn Ho. http://dawnho.net4 5. Quinoa The mother grain Created by Dawn Ho. 5 6. Dark chocolate Loves your heart Causes improvement in blood circulation or bloodflow to the heart. Can minimize the risk of heart attacks and otherchronic chest pains.Created by Dawn Ho. 6 7. Sea Vegetables Full of minerals Nori, Kombu, Sea Palm, Wakame Sea veggies are also chockfull of chlorophyll and dietary fiberand they lend a salty flavor to foods which comes from abalanced combination of sodium, potassium, calcium,phosphorus, magnesium, iron and many other trace mineralsnaturally found in the ocean.Created by Dawn Ho. 7 8. Garlic Modern science has shown that garlic is a powerful naturalantibiotic, albeit broad-spectrum rather than targeted. The bacteria in the body do not appear to evolve resistance tothe garlic as they do to many modern pharmaceuticalantibiotics. This means that its positive health benefits cancontinue over time rather than helping to breed antibioticresistant “superbugs”.Created by Dawn Ho. http://dawnho.net8 9. Avocados Avocados also contain oleic acid, a fat that activatesthe part of your brain that makes you feel full. Healthier unsaturated fats containing oleic acid havebeen shown to produce a greater feeling of satietythan less-healthy saturated fats and trans fats foundin processed foods. Created by Dawn Ho. 9 10. Parsley The Blood cleanser Parsley has been used through the ages as ablood purifier, due to parsleys effect byhelping the body excrete toxins. By eatingparsley on a regular basis you can help yourbody by lowering the heart rate and bloodpressure.Created by Dawn Ho. 10 11. Wild Salmon Keeps your skin young The two major types of essential fats found in fishes are DHAand EPA. EPA component of fishes plays a major role in skincare.- protecting the skin from sun exposure.- providing anti-inflammatory properties.- acting as an antioxidant to combat free radicals.Created by Dawn Ho. 11 12. Beans High fiber foods such as beans in your diet.