Download Modern Coin Magic

Modern Coin Magic

📚 Modern Coin Magic
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THE purpose of this volume is to present to the magical fraternity a complete

treatise on sleight of hand coin conjuring. Little has been written on the subject, and much of that is scattered throughout dozens of books and magazines. Because of this, it has been difficult for the student to obtain all the information necessary to his becoming a proficient coin worker. This deficiency in magical literature has long been recognized, but little has been done about it. In recent years there have appeared a few books devoted partly to coin magic but none has filled the necessary need adequately.

The actual work on this book began over two and a half years ago with the collecting of material. I contacted dozens of magicians noted for their ability as close-up workers and, with few exceptions, all complied enthusiastically by contributing choice material. The result of combining the contributions of four dozen magicians with my own is the book you now hold in your hands.

Of course, not all the material in this book is new. It is not intended to be. The purpose, as mentioned in the beginning, is to cover the subject of sleight of hand coin magic in all its practical aspects. To do this it has been necessary to include many of the standard principles of the past. However, all out-of-date or otherwise impractical sleights have been eliminated. Only the best and most useful have been retained. To these basic principles have been added many new and revolutionary ideas, all of which should give the student a conception of coin magic hitherto unknown.