Download Psi-Power - The Science of Higher Sense Perception

Psi-Power – The Science of Higher Sense Perception

📚 Psi-Power – The Science of Higher Sense Perception
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In this book you will step with me into a new dimension of sense perception—a dimension of expanded mental and psychic powers. Within you, as well as every person, are powers you have never tapped. A systematic understanding of these powers can lift you to new levels of happiness, security, and material abundance, give you greater freedom, guide you, protect you, and set your feet upon the highway to successful and masterful living.

How do you tap these powers? By discovering the higher reaches of the senses you now possess… by developing your latent higher sense perception or HSP. In the pages that follow, I shall share with you simplified, systematic techniques which enable adults and teenagers alike to turn psychic potentials into practical powers for successful living.