Download Secrets of Personal Command Power

Secrets of Personal Command Power

đź“š Secrets of Personal Command Power
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This book is written in plain, understandable language to show you how to discover and use your personal command power. With this magical power you can attain heights you never thought possible; you can accomplish more than you ever dreamed. As you put the power secrets in this book to work, you can gain recognition, make more money, and win the success you want.

Through my years of experience in management, sales training, seminar conducting, public speaking, instructing and working with people from all walks of life, I have learned one striking fact: people want power. This is entirely commendable and wholly justified, since without power, life drags along, ambition wanes, and human resources wither and dissipate.

Yet, most people have more than enough power to run their lives effectively and successfully. The problem is that they have never learned to develop and use the personal command power that they already possess. Indeed, many do not even realize that they have this great well-spring of power; they cannot accept the reality of the power that can be theirs. It is a tragic personal loss that need never happen to you.

Personal command power is not vague and hazy, nor is it a passing fad. Rather, it is the inner strength which can be devel­ oped into a mighty force capable of taking you where you want to go. Personal command power is not fluffy mysticism: it is applied, personal logic—hard as rock and strong as steel.