Download Sex & Sexual Relationships A Booklet of Young People

Sex & Sexual Relationships A Booklet of Young People

📚 Sex & Sexual Relationships A Booklet of Young People
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Sexual feelings don’t suddenly start at a particular age. But most young people experience puberty between twelve and sixteen. Puberty brings physical and emotional changes. One of these changes is the strengthening of sexual feelings. Sexual feelings have physical aspects, like feeling sexually aroused or ‘turned on’, and emotional aspects, like feeling sexually attracted to other people or falling in love.

Having sexual feelings is normal and natural. Sexual feelings are often an important part of having very strong, enjoyable and intimate relationships with other people. But at times it can feel confusing and it can be hard to know what to do.

It can take time for your body and your thoughts and feelings to catch up with each other.

Having sexual feelings quite often leads to having sexual relationships and experiences. Lots of young people find it hard to know what is right when it comes to relationships. And everyone feels embarrassed or confused at some time. There is no set time to begin having sexual relationships. It can sometimes seem like being popular or having a good reputation depends on going out with someone and having sexual relationships. But the main thing is to be able to make up your own mind about what you feel and what you do.