Download The Annihilation Method How To Get Past Any Obstacle in a Pickup

The Annihilation Method How To Get Past Any Obstacle in a Pickup

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We all run into problems from time to time, but it’s important to know how to get through them. In this volume, you’ll read personal field reports where I show you how I brought myself and other PUAs through their most daunting sticking points! The Annihilation Method is a series of advanced attraction, seduction and dating techniques invented by Neil Strauss (aka Neil Strauss, author of The Game). He has become famous for having pioneering many of the pick up artist routines that guys all over the world use to meet women. This method was the result of several years experience, meeting and dating thousands of women. It was to be Strauss’ final contribution to the world of dating and seduction (though he later went on to form the StyleLife Academy).

Rather than a single technique, The Annihilation Method is a whole bunch of Neil Strauss’ most successful routines, openers and techniques that he personally used to date countless smart, beautiful women. The Annihilation Method was released on DVD (at the staggering price of $3,799) after creating some dramatic buzz in the seduction and dating community. It contained several DVDs and manuals, laying out step-by-step how to approach, build comfort and attraction and seduce just about any girl in just about any situation. Seduction and pickup techniques from The Annihilation Method include the Black Mirror, L.A.S. V.E.G.A.S., the Five Questions, the Cube, and so on. The DVD contained mentions of several gurus Strauss had personally learnt from, such as David DeAngelo. There were also guest sessions with Steve Piccus & Hypnotica, as well as Strauss’ good friend from The Game, Mystery.

Originally the Annihilation Method was taught to the Final Five, who paid thousands of dollars each to attend the exclusive seminar. Strauss taught these final five guys his ‘most powerful pick-up technique’ after he announced he was ‘leaving’ the community. The Anihilation Method sold out within a matter of hours. It’ll go down as not only one of the greatest seduction & dating products ever released. The Annilation Method WAS sold through And although it will never again be released, it can be found hidden in certain corners of the ‘net, if you know where to look :O However there’s an easier way for you to learn the fundamentals of how to meet, attract, seduce and date beautiful women that were laid down in The Annihilation Method. You can learn from Neil Strauss directly by signing up for his dating and pickup coaching program.