Download The Art Of Living Part I & II

The Art Of Living Part I & II

📚 The Art Of Living Part I & II
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Buddhism is an education about our living environment and us. The Buddha teaches us to recognize ourselves; our thoughts, speech, and actions and the consequences they evoke. Most importantly, the Buddha wants us to restore our original and complete wisdom. He teaches that eve ryone posse sses the abi li ty to a ttain compl ete understanding of life and the universe, and it is only because of delusion that we are unable to realize it. We are blinded by discrimination, wandering thoughts and attachments, and forget the original pure mind of our self-nature. In this way, we have caused ourselves much unneeded suffering.

The Buddha also teache s us to v iew our environmen t clea rly. Environment refers to the people, matters, and objects we come across everyday. When our hearts are free from discriminatory thoughts and attachments, we will be able to view everything clearly and deal with them appropriately. Thus, we can live in harmony with others and succeed in all our endeavors.