Download The Book of Forbidden Knowledge

The Book of Forbidden Knowledge

📚 The Book of Forbidden Knowledge
💡 Author –
“Of the many strange books I have published this must be one of the strangest. For a start, publication has been held back 20 years, even though I paid the author all that time ago…

This work is so dark, potent and lethal, containing arcane rites which have never been in print and surely will never be again. In fact the author writes that he gives the information ‘under pain of death’. Realizing that I still hadn’t published it he urged me to delay until he had passed on, which is what has happened.
My original procrastination was due to my feelings about the content: I simply felt it was too taboo even for the occult market. I toyed with the idea of merely printing 20 copies selling at £100 a copy to the most serious practitioners of the dark arts.

But here it is now, for all to see, or at least for everyone to be aware of. I will not even hint at suggesting that the average occultist should try it. No, this is not a book for everyone, but for the very few.