Download The Complete Book of Mind Power

The Complete Book of Mind Power

📚 The Complete Book of Mind Power
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The need for relaxation will be stressed in this book again and again. All the techniques of Mind Power, all the operations of Mental Magic, which you will learn in the course of reading this book cannot be performed effectively unless you are absolutely relaxed.

This book shows you how to make use of Energy: the infinite, inexhaustible energy resources of Mind Power. This energy is used in operations of Mental Magic. Tension, be it muscular or nervous, is the supr­ eme obstacle to be overcome in order that you may avail yourself of this energy.

This energy works like the flow of water: if that flow is blocked then the force generated by that flow dim­ inishes or ceases utterly. Think of energy flowing through your body as if it were water flowing through a rubber hose. Think of your arms and legs as being like rubber hoses in this respect, energy flowing through them like water. Now as you know, if you squeeze a rubber hose, or if it gets a kink or knot in it by whatever means, the flow of water is diminished in force or is cut off altogether. The energy in our bodies behaves just like this. Tension is like knots, kinks or ‘squeezes’. It reduces the flow of body-energy, The most acute form of bodily tension is rigor mortis.