Download The Manson Syndrome - An Erotic Evaluation

The Manson Syndrome – An Erotic Evaluation

📚 The Manson Syndrome – An Erotic Evaluation
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MANSON: What was the strange power he held over the girls in his family? They called him their god, gave birth to his children, and DID HIS EVERY BIDDING WITHOUT QUESTION.

MANSON: How did he get started, and why did girls flock to him? DOWN WHAT SEX­ UAL PATHS DID HE LEAD THEM?

THE SYNDROME: Is Manson being imitated? Does his power extend beyond the walls of his cell? Is his influence still being felt throughout the country?

THE SYNDROME: Are there other “Man- sons?” Men and boys who have exercised the same nearly hypnotic power over their women? Are there PRESENT DAY PAR­ ALLELS?

THE MANSON SYNDROME, C. C. Chett’s startling documentary answers these and MANY OTHER QUESTIONS about MANSON AND MEN LIKE MANSON.