Download The New Talkamatics: Easy Way to Verbal Power and Persuasion

The New Talkamatics: Easy Way to Verbal Power and Persuasion

📚 The New Talkamatics: Easy Way to Verbal Power and Persuasion
💡 Author –

The New Talkamatics: Easy Way to Verbal Power and Persuasion is a total system for speaking effectively. . .a system of talking your way upward, not merely a group of tips.

What the Talkamatics System Is

This new Talkamatics system has two vital parts: (1) it’s a system that will aid you in speaking with power and persua­ sion, and (b) it’s fun, fascinating and fast to learn.

And to help you learn quickly, this new system includes tested, automatic ways to achieve forceful results; target- reaching methods—to aim your talking and earn big rewards; and the Talkamatics real-lifers—real-life problems/ solutions/how-to-do-its—to aid you tremendously in develop­ ing effective speaking.

What the Plan of the Book Is

The two-part plan of the book is:

1. Talkamatics Chapters 1 through 6 show you how you can talk with polish in everyday business situations.

For example, in Chapter 1 you’ll discover an invaluable “artichoke” formula to banish business people’s block in con­ versing. You’ll also learn to tape-ape—tape your voice and correct any bad faults.

Chapter 2 introduces you to the 1-2-3 Magic Package module—an easy-do way to structure your remarks to talk successfully with your customers, boss and business as­ sociates.