Download The Occult Sciences: How to Get What You Want Through Your Occult Powers

The Occult Sciences: How to Get What You Want Through Your Occult Powers

📚 The Occult Sciences: How to Get What You Want Through Your Occult Powers
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In my lifetime quest for this secret knowledge of occultism, I have visited sacred shrines in India, China and Tibet. I have gone to the archives of the great university at Ceylon, where exists one of the world’s greatest occult libraries, to learn some of the great secrets of occultism.

From a sacred Lamasery at the foot of the Himalyas, I have obtained translations of carved, wooden tablets, that revealed priceless secrets of occultism never before revealed to the West. These ancient tablets give some of the most profound rites and mysteries of occultism, which man can use for performing amazing feats.

I have visited sacred shrines in Cairo, Egypt, near the pyramids, where there is a vast accumulation of papyri and hieroglyphics that have been translated by great scholars and given to mystic searchers after occult truths.

Always the mystic quest for occult knowledge leads back to the beginning and origin of all great spiritual truths; to the mystical lands of the Far East, to the days of Noah, Abraham, Moses, the Chaldeans and Babylonians, the Egyptian Masters, Zoroaster, Hermes, and the Greeks—Pythagoras, Anaxagoras and Socrates.

Deep in the interior of the vast pyramid of Gizeh,