Download The True Secret of Perpetual Good Fortune

The True Secret of Perpetual Good Fortune

📚 The True Secret of Perpetual Good Fortune
💡 Author –

In this booklet I will show you how God is the source of all our ‘good fortune’ and ‘good luck’; and that an unfailing trust in God will be repaid over and over again. But I speak not of the tribalistic God of organized religions whose believers live in fear of punishment and retribution. I speak of what one writer described as follows:

God is the name for the highest and best in your life, and for the way your conscious and subconscious minds work.

He added, ‘Where God’s love, peace, harmony, and joy live there is no evil, harm, or sickness.’ ‘God’ is another word for what some call ‘Cosmic Consciousness’, the spirit animating all living things, which, when approached with an attitude of trust and positive belief, supplies our every need, not only psychologically and spiritually but also materially.

Consider now the following statement:

God is merciful to those who reverence Him, and He heareth him that calleth. He protects the weak against the strong; He heareth the cry of him that is bound in fetters. He judgeth between the mighty and the weak. God knoweth him that knoweth Him. He rewards him that serves Him, and He protects who follows Him.