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Thought Dial

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I would like, first of all, to acknowledge a debt of gratitude, long due, to Carl Payne Tobey, presi­ dent of the Institute of Abstract Science at Tucson, Arizona. It was Mr. Tobey, a fine mathematician, astrologer and writer, who first encouraged me to continue work on the Thought Dial, who offered the facilities of his organization at Tucson, and who published the first review of this work in his excel­ lent Student Forum.

It was many years ago, in New York, that I first encountered Tobey. I w a s t h e n publishing ASTROLOGY NEWS, The Trade Journal of Astrology. It was the first such publication in the field. Like all firsts, it was not always easy going. Among those who supported the young man brash enough to step in where older, wiser heads feared to tread, were Carl Payne Tobey—and the founder of the publishing house issuing this present work:

Llewellyn George.

The late Mr. George was one of the finest gen­ tlemen to be found anywhere, in or out of astrology. And there were others who foresaw the need of a journalistic approach in covering the vast field of astrology: persons and individuals who lent moral and financial support. Though ASTROLOGY NEWS no longer is issued, its influence is still being felt in modern astrology, where today it is no longer unusual for publications to report in a con­ cise, objective manner, on what astrologers are writing, doing and thinking, and also what the field, in general, is doing to better.