Download Universal Secrets of Telecosmic Power

Universal Secrets of Telecosmic Power

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1. You will learn how to use the mysterious cosmic power which you can summon to do your bidding. You can direct this cosmic power to bring you various sums of money from $1,000 to $100,000. You can direct it to bring you a home, land, jewels, a car, your own business, and it will direct you to the fulfillment of these desires. The beginning of power will be revealed to you in the very first chapter of this amazing book.

2. The 11 vital essentials for successful living are revealed through the use of Telecosmic Power. You can program your higher mind centers, just as a modem computer is programmed, and it will guide you to fame, power, love happiness, travel to foreign countries, and the development of gifts and talents that you did not know you possessed. These vital essentials for suc­ cessful living are explored fully in Chapter 2.

3. Are you striving to achieve life’s highest goals? No matter what your goal may be, you will learn how to use Telecosmic Power to put you instantly in touch with the exact destiny you have programmed. Geniuses throughout history have used Tele­ cosmic Power to achieve greatness. You can duplicate that great­ ness and have the exact life experience you desire.