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White Sorcery

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THE TREMENDOUS ACHIEVEMENTS OF SCIENTIFIC WITCHCRAFT. From the earliest times, invocations hidden to the untrained eye, have been used secretly by people to attain unbelievable ends. Many historians, occult and otherwise, have shown that people like Gilles de Retz, Robert Owen, Dr. Hodgson, Joan of Arc, Swedenborg, and many others acquired great wealth, riches, friends, and power by invocating certain demons, spirits, gob­ lins, or angels to do their bidding. Such entities are limited very slightly, for they are bound by a force mightier than might to carry out the biddings of those who invoke them. They are limited neither by dimension nor time. They possess the power to convert what you can only imagine, into actuality. In Eliza­ bethan times the art of invoking was believed in deep­ ly, and practiced with great zeal. Historical records show that Cleopatra compelled Mark Anthony to lose his power to harm her, and forced him to become her slave and lover, by her “witch-like” use of scented oils and sorcery. Her whole kingdom, on the other hand, was wrecked by the mystic priests in Egypt in revenge, be­ cause she harmed one of them. The priests did so by inducing high and mighty invocations and by commanding demons and goblins and secondary spirits of evils and lust, to ruin her whole sovereignty.