Download Zen game manifesto I to XIII: The grid: An pua's guide to self transcendence

Zen game manifesto I to XIII: The grid: An pua’s guide to self transcendence

📚 Zen game manifesto I to XIII: The grid: An pua’s guide to self transcendence
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Put your game on steroids with the developed inner game system of spiritual manifesto. Eliminate depression, approach anxiety, find passion in life and insecurity’s. Gain confidence, creativity, expand your consciousness and reach spiritual adult hood. Find your value and find yourself.
Zen game manifesto: on happiness, dating, success in life and a recipe for global change.

This is what you will get from reading this book:
Finding lust of life again. Connecting to a higher purpose. Become happier. Becoming a more free and independent man. Become confident. Breaking out of depression. Getting rid of addiction. Finding creativity again. Connect with your emotion. Find out what you really are about. Get rid of fear. Become a more attractive man and a stronger man. Find better ways of using your mind. Find love for life and the tools to find and get the woman in your life. Learn to be thankful for the pain you have been experienced in your life. Expand your consciousness and reach spiritual adult hood, find your value and find yourself with Zen game manifesto.

What I have done with the book Zen game manifesto is to model people like Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle, Ken Wilber’s spiritual dynamics, Nikola Tesla, lessons learned from Swedish military, Stockholm’s university, system science with social psychology. 100 books distilled down to 200 pages and allot of lessons learned from the coaches of Real Social dynamics and therapeutic lessons from NLP.
It will show you who you truly are here on Earth. This will help you remove fear and build you in to a more attractive man for females and vice versa for girls. You will become absolute autonomus as a person, that being free and in control of all your emotions, that goes far in the eyes of the girl.
Find out why and how to comunication with dess is there.
Come Eden; learn how to go in to state on command.
Learn to have a titan hard frame, unshakeble.
Get the new philosofic scientific view of a holografic universe.
Become resourcefull and confident in your actions.
That and much more in Zen game manifesto: Self Transcendencend.